IPD-abutments til Astra Evolution
IPD abutments forbedrer dit digitale arbejde og sikrer høj præcision til en billigere pris. Du får meget vel markedets bedste scanflag og digitale workflows, opnår maksimal fleksibilitet, samtidig med at du sparer både tid og penge.
Nedenstående IPD-abutments er fuldt konvertible med Astra Evolution.
Abutm. type | SKU | Description | Thumbnail | Price | Buy | |
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MR-33 | EB-MR-33, Evolution™, Multi-unit® abutment 30° Ø 4.2 H 3.5, Astra | DKK 612,00 DKK 765,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MN-33 | EB-MN-33, Evolution™, Multi-unit® abutment 30° Ø 3.6 H 3.5, Astra | DKK 612,00 DKK 765,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MN-12 | EB-MN-12, Evolution™, Multi-unit® abutment 17° Ø 3.6 H 2.5, Astra | DKK 612,00 DKK 765,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MR-12 | EB-MR-12, Evolution™, Multi-unit® abutment 17° Ø 4.2 H 2.5, Astra | DKK 612,00 DKK 765,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MR-01 | EB-MR-01, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 4.2 H 1.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MR-02 | EB-MR-02, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 4.2 H 2.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MR-03 | EB-MR-03, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 4.2 H 3.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MN-03 | EB-MN-03, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 3.6 H 3.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MN-02 | EB-MN-02, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 3.6 H 2.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Multi-unit Abutment | EB-MN-01 | EB-MN-01, Evolution™, Straight Multi-unit® abutment Ø 3.6 H 1.5, Astra | DKK 316,00 DKK 395,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DR-03 | EB-DR-03, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 4,2 H 3.5, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DR-04 | EB-DR-04, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 4,2 H 4.5, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DR-05 | EB-DR-05, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 4,2 H 5.5, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DN-05 | EB-DN-05, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 3,6 H 5,5.0, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DN-04 | EB-DN-04, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 3,6 H 4,5.0, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
Healing Abutment | EB-DN-03 | EB-DN-03, Evolution™ , Healing abutment Ø 3,6 H 3,5.0, Astra | DKK 144,00 DKK 180,00 | |||
TPA Screw (Angled Screw Channel) | IPD/EB-TR-50 | EB-TR-50, Evolution® , TPA Screw Ø 4,2 | DKK 112,00 DKK 140,00 | |||
TPA Screw (Angled Screw Channel) | IPD/EB-TN-50 | EB-TN-50, Evolution® , TPA Screw Ø 3,6 | DKK 112,00 DKK 140,00 | |||
Titanium Screw | IPD/EB-TR-00 | EB-TR-00, Evolution® , Ti Screw Ø 4,2 | DKK 80,00 DKK 100,00 | |||
Titanium Screw | IPD/EB-TN-00 | EB-TN-00, Evolution® , Ti Screw Ø 3,6 | DKK 80,00 DKK 100,00 | |||
Titanium Screw / TIN | IPD/EB-TR-00/TIN | EB-TR-00/TIN, Evolution® , Ti Screw TiN Ø 4,2 | DKK 84,00 DKK 105,00 | |||
Titanium Screw / TIN | IPD/EB-TN-00/TIN | EB-TN-00/TIN, Evolution® , Ti Screw TiN Ø 3,6 | DKK 84,00 DKK 105,00 | |||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-03/3D | EB-IR-03/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 H 1.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-05/3D | EB-IR-05/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 H 2.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-01/3D | EB-IR-01/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 H 0.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-05/3D | EB-IN-05/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 H 2.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-03/3D | EB-IN-03/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 H 1.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-01/3D | EB-IN-01/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 H 0.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-02/3D | EB-IN-02/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 3,6 H 1.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-04/3D | EB-IR-04/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 4,2 H 2.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-02/3D | EB-IR-02/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 4,2 H 1.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IR-00/3D | EB-IR-00/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 4,2 H 0.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-04/3D | EB-IN-04/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 3,6 H 2.5 | DKK 320,00 - DKK 414,40 | DKK 374,40 DKK 468,00 DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 DKK 414,40 DKK 518,00 | ||
Custom Ti-base | IPD/EB-IN-00/3D | EB-IN-00/3D, Evolution® , Custom Ti Base Engaging Ø 3,6 H 0.5 | DKK 320,00 DKK 400,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SR-01 | EB-SR-01, Evolution® , Scan abutment Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 H 10.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SN-01 | EB-SN-01, Evolution® , Scan abutment Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 H 10.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SR-02 | EB-SR-02, Evolution® , Scan abutment Engaging Ø 4,2 H 15.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SR-00 | EB-SR-00, Evolution® , Scan abutment Engaging Ø 4,2 H 10.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SN-02 | EB-SN-02, Evolution® , Scan abutment Engaging Ø 3,6 H 15.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
Scan abutment | IPD/EB-SN-00 | EB-SN-00, Evolution® , Scan abutment Engaging Ø 3,6 H 10.0 | DKK 376,00 DKK 470,00 | |||
PSD Overdenture | IPD/EB-LR-05 | EB-LR-05, Evolution® , PSD overdenture abutment Ø 4,2 H 5.0 | DKK 496,00 DKK 620,00 | |||
PSD Overdenture | IPD/EB-LR-03 | EB-LR-03, Evolution® , PSD overdenture abutment Ø 4,2 H 3.0 | DKK 496,00 DKK 620,00 | |||
PSD Overdenture | IPD/EB-LR-01 | EB-LR-01, Evolution® , PSD overdenture abutment Ø 4,2 H 1.0 | DKK 496,00 DKK 620,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BR-01 | EB-BR-01, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Non-Engaging straight Ø 4,2 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-01 | EB-BN-01, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Non-Engaging straight Ø 3,6 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BR-00 | EB-BR-00, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Engaging straight Ø 4,2 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-11 | EB-BN-11, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Non-Engaging 15° Ø 3,6 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-21 | EB-BN-21, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Non-Engaging 25° Ø 3,6 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BR-11 | EB-BR-11, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Non-Engaging 15° Ø 4,2 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-00 | EB-BN-00, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Engaging straight Ø 3,6 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-20 | EB-BN-20, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Engaging 25° Ø 3,6 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BR-10 | EB-BR-10, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Engaging 15° Ø 4,2 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Castable | IPD/EB-BN-10 | EB-BN-10, Evolution® , CoCr Castable Engaging 15° Ø 3,6 (Includes a TPA screw) | DKK 256,00 DKK 320,00 | |||
Co-Cr Base | IPD/EB-BR-00/3D | EB-BR-00/3D, Evolution® , CoCr Base Engaging Ø 4,2 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Base | IPD/EB-BN-00/3D | EB-BN-00/3D, Evolution® , CoCr Base Engaging Ø 3,6 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Base | IPD/EB-BN-01/3D | EB-BN-01/3D, Evolution® , CoCr Base Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Co-Cr Base | IPD/EB-BR-01/3D | EB-BR-01/3D, Evolution® , CoCr Base Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 | DKK 168,00 DKK 210,00 | |||
Digital analog | IPD/EB-AR-00/3D | EB-AR-00/3D, Evolution® , Digital analog Ø 4,2 | DKK 140,00 DKK 175,00 | |||
Digital analog | IPD/EB-AN-00/3D | EB-AN-00/3D, Evolution® , Digital analog Ø 3,6 | DKK 140,00 DKK 175,00 | |||
Analog | IPD/EB-AR-00 | EB-AR-00, Evolution® , Analog Ø 4,2 | DKK 76,00 DKK 95,00 | |||
Analog | IPD/EB-AN-00 | EB-AN-00, Evolution® , Analog Ø 3,6 | DKK 76,00 DKK 95,00 | |||
Temporary abutment | IPD/EB-PR-07 | EB-PR-07, Evolution® , Temporary abutment Non-Engaging Ø 4,2 | DKK 206,25 - DKK 304,00 | DKK 206,25 DKK 257,81 DKK 276,00 DKK 345,00 DKK 304,00 DKK 380,00 | ||
Temporary abutment | IPD/EB-PN-07 | EB-PN-07, Evolution® , Temporary abutment Non-Engaging Ø 3,6 | DKK 206,25 - DKK 304,00 | DKK 206,25 DKK 257,81 DKK 276,00 DKK 345,00 DKK 304,00 DKK 380,00 | ||
Temporary abutment | IPD/EB-PR-06 | EB-PR-06, Evolution® , Temporary abutment Engaging Ø 4,2 | DKK 206,25 - DKK 304,00 | DKK 206,25 DKK 257,81 DKK 276,00 DKK 345,00 DKK 304,00 DKK 380,00 | ||
Temporary abutment | IPD/EB-PN-06 | EB-PN-06, Evolution® , Temporary abutment Engaging Ø 3,6 | DKK 206,25 - DKK 304,00 | DKK 206,25 DKK 257,81 DKK 276,00 DKK 345,00 DKK 304,00 DKK 380,00 |
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SKU | Description | Thumbnail | Price | Buy |
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Abutm. type | SKU | Description | Thumbnail | Price | Buy | |
PSD Accessory Screwdriver | IPD/LL-PS-01 | LL-PS-01, PSD and Insert extractor tool, IPD | DKK 458,40 DKK 573,00 | |||
PSD Accessory Screwdriver | IPD/LL-PS-00 | LL-PS-00, PSD Screwdriver, IPD | DKK 164,80 DKK 206,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | KA-CL-13 | KA-CL-13, Black Processing Inserts. 8-pack, IPD | DKK 235,00 - DKK 260,00 DKK 325,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | PS-LR-00 | PS-LR-00, PSD Abutment on bars Pack-2, IPD | DKK 900,00 DKK 1.125,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-05 | KA-CL-05, 2 lbs Retention Inserts up to 40°. 4-pack, IPD | DKK 165,00 - DKK 144,80 DKK 181,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-06 | KA-CL-06, 4 lbs Retention Inserts up to 40°. 4-pack, IPD | DKK 165,00 - DKK 144,80 DKK 181,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-10 | KA-CL-10, 1.5 lbs Retention Inserts up to 20°. 8-pack, IPD | DKK 218,00 - DKK 210,40 DKK 263,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-11 | KA-CL-11, 3 lbs Retention Inserts up to 20°. 8-pack, IPD | DKK 218,00 - DKK 210,40 DKK 263,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | KA-CL-12 | KA-CL-12, 5 lbs Retention Inserts up to 20°. 8-pack, IPD | DKK 218,00 - DKK 210,40 DKK 263,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-00 | KA-CL-00, Metal Cap, IPD | DKK 68,00 - DKK 60,00 DKK 75,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-01 | KA-CL-01, Combined Retention Inserts up to 20°. 4-pack, IPD | DKK 140,00 - DKK 124,80 DKK 156,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-02 | KA-CL-02, PSD Processing Pack up to 20°, IPD | DKK 230,00 - DKK 204,80 DKK 256,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | KA-CL-03 | KA-CL-03, PSD Divergent Processing Pack up to 40°, IPD | DKK 230,00 - DKK 204,80 DKK 256,00 | |||
PSD Accessory | IPD/KA-CL-04 | KA-CL-04, 1 lbs Retention Inserts up to 40°. 4-pack, IPD | DKK 165,00 - DKK 144,80 DKK 181,00 | |||
Analog Locator® | PS-AR-00 | PS-AR-00, Analog PSD (Locator® compatible), IPD | DKK 124,00 - DKK 110,40 DKK 138,00 |
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